Monday, February 11, 2008

Caught In the Act! Caught On the Couch!

I'm in big trouble! My aunt Dimity caught me on the couch in the front room. We're not supposed to be on the furniture but Bina and I ignore the rules when my mom and dad are at work. I knew enought to look guilty for the camera, though!


Anonymous said...

I saw you on the couch because I was there. You and Bina were just doing your job - watching out the window for any intruders on your property. Robbers lurk and dogs should protect their homes. Or maybe there are squirrels out there and you need to be ready. I was ready to bark and run to help you defend your house and yard. Good job Ripley!

Amber-Mae said...

Oh oh...I hope you won't be put in jail. Good thing, we're allowed on the couch & the bed & infact, anywhere we would like to be on. Heehee!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

I think you parents should let you on the couch whenever you want. When I'm at home my mom lets me on the couch, but when I'm at your house I know better. I'm on your side Ripley!

Lorenza said...

My grandma doesn't like me to be on the couch... but I am always there!
don't feel guilty. Enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs

Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh u 2 notty fellas...

juz remember next time when u're there, remember to get rid of ur shedding...

Anonymous said...

Psst! Ripley...the bed where your parents sleep is waaaay better than any ol' couch.

And don't let Scoutie fool you...I know she's a tattle-tail. She got me in trouble once when I forgot to go outdoors and pooped in her parents bedroom. Sheesh! She *could* have blamed it on the cat instead of me.

Hopi Dopi

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Ripley! at least you got some time on it before you got caught. We have never had the opportunity cos it's on the white carpet and we're forbidden on the white carpet. dawg

Anyway like we keep telling our pawrent it is 'fur'niture don't they get it?!

Love Licks & waggin tails woohoo you go girl