Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year! What a Day!

Happy New Year to dogs worldwide! Here's wishing you all plenty of bones and lots of chew toys in the year ahead! And to all my new "Dogs With Blogs" friends, here's wishing you a flea-free 2008!

It was a busy day today! My mom took down the Christmas tree and put the ornaments away. My dad took down the outside Christmas lights and decorations. I shredded several tennis balls and worked on my New Year's resolutions. Like I always say, it's a dog's good life!


Amber-Mae said...

Oh, our decorations, ornaments & cards are still up. Mommy said she will only take it down at the end of January becoz she said it was alot of work putting them up so mise as well, leave them for a short while more.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Thuglets said...

Hello Ripley...Happy New Year. Welcome to DWB's...we are the thuglets 6 airedales in the uk! Pop by and visit us sometime.

Hope 2008 is the best!

The Thugletsx